Starring: Halle Berry and Abigail Breslin Directed by: Brad Anderson Screenplay by: Richard D'Ovidio Let me begin by saying that this is one of the most intense films I've seen in a long time. If you're not into films that will have you trying to catch your breath as you walk out of the theater, then you might not want to read much further. Jordan Turner (Halle Berry) is an experienced 911 operator in Los Angeles. She can't get too personally invested in each call she receives, but she can't help but to in one case; the kidnapping of a young girl, leaving her traumatized by what she hears on the other end of the phone, and ultimately being a cause of her leaving the call floor. When a similar call about another kidnapping of a young girl comes in a few months after that incident, Jordan takes over for one operator who is unsure of what to do. Jordan is forced to help this girl over the phone while the po...